Displaying similar documents to “Number of prime divisors in a product of consecutive integers”

On the average of the sum-of-a-divisors function

Shi-Chao Chen, Yong-Gao Chen (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We prove an Ω result on the average of the sum of the divisors of n which are relatively coprime to any given integer a. This generalizes the earlier result for a prime proved by Adhikari, Coppola and Mukhopadhyay.

Pocklington's Theorem and Bertrand's Postulate

Marco Riccardi (2006)

Formalized Mathematics


The first four sections of this article include some auxiliary theorems related to number and finite sequence of numbers, in particular a primality test, the Pocklington's theorem (see [19]). The last section presents the formalization of Bertrand's postulate closely following the book [1], pp. 7-9.