Displaying similar documents to “Estimating quantiles with Linex loss function. Applications to VaR estimation”

A review of the results on the Stein approach for estimators improvement.

Vassiliy G. Voinov, Mikhail S. Nikulin (1995)



Since 1956, a large number of papers have been devoted to Stein's technique of obtaining improved estimators of parameters, for several statistical models. We give a brief review of these papers, emphasizing those aspects which are interesting from the point of view of the theory of unbiased estimation.

An alternative analysis of variance.

Nicholas T. Longford (2008)



The one-way analysis of variance is a staple of elementary statistics courses. The hypothesis test of homogeneity of the means encourages the use of the selected-model based estimators which are usually assessed without any regard for the uncertainty about the outcome of the test. We expose the weaknesses of such estimators when the uncertainty is taken into account, as it should be, and propose synthetic estimators as an alternative.

Theory of parameter estimation

Ryszard Zieliński (1997)

Banach Center Publications


0. Introduction and summary. The analysis of data from the gravitational-wave detectors that are currently under construction in several countries will be a challenging problem. The reason is that gravitational-vawe signals are expected to be extremely weak and often very rare. Therefore it will be of great importance to implement optimal statistical methods to extract all possible information about the signals from the noisy data sets. Careful statistical analysis based on correct application...

Constructing median-unbiased estimators in one-parameter families of distributions via stochastic ordering

Ryszard Zieliński (2003)

Applicationes Mathematicae


If θ ∈ Θ is an unknown real parameter of a given distribution, we are interested in constructing an exactly median-unbiased estimator θ̂ of θ, i.e. an estimator θ̂ such that a median Med(θ̂ ) of the estimator equals θ, uniformly over θ ∈ Θ. We shall consider the problem in the case of a fixed sample size n (nonasymptotic approach).

Comparison at optimal levels of classical tail index estimators: a challenge for reduced-bias estimation?

M. Ivette Gomes, Lígia Henriques-Rodrigues (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics


In this article, we begin with an asymptotic comparison at optimal levels of the so-called "maximum likelihood" (ML) extreme value index estimator, based on the excesses over a high random threshold, denoted PORT-ML, with PORT standing for peaks over random thresholds, with a similar ML estimator, denoted PORT-MP, with MP standing for modified-Pareto. The PORT-MP estimator is based on the same excesses, but with a trial of accommodation of bias on the Generalized Pareto model underlying...

Using auxiliary information in statistical function estimation

Sergey Tarima, Dmitri Pavlov (2006)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


In many practical situations sample sizes are not sufficiently large and estimators based on such samples may not be satisfactory in terms of their variances. At the same time it is not unusual that some auxiliary information about the parameters of interest is available. This paper considers a method of using auxiliary information for improving properties of the estimators based on a current sample only. In particular, it is assumed that the information is available as a number of estimates...

The problem of determining estimators for different structural parameters in the case of credibility results for weighted contracts

Virginia Atanasiu (2007)

Mathematica Bohemica


This paper presents and analyzes the estimators of the structural parameters, in the Bühlmann-Straub model, involving complicated mathematical properties of conditional expectations and of conditional covariances. So to enable to use the better linear credibility results obtained in this model, we will provide useful estimators for the structure parameters. From the practical point of view it is stated the attractive property of unbiasedness for these estimators.