Mathematics throughout the ages
Kamil Anis (2002)
Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu
Although the exact title translation is "LYX - how to?", I really discourage all readers who wish to skim this paper as a prompt cook-book. Actually I have never been thinkin' of making either LYXDocumentation or Tips & Tricks carbon-copy. There's no doubt that the LYXTeam, and many other contributors did an excelent job. The documentation to LYXitself is done exceedingly good, however I felt there are some gaps in the typographic knowledge remain to be filled. In fact this is the...
Tomáš Hála (2000)
Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu
Various documents should often contain listings generated from database files. It is therefore general problem which has to be solved for different text processing systems, database systems and operating systems. One possibility, which is described here, is based on simple text files containing the database records encoded in TeX macros. Experience from using this approach for generation of listings shows that this method is very flexible from the point of view of speed of creation of...
Jaroslav Šedivý (1969)
Pavel Sovič (2023)
Učitel matematiky
The paper presents the materials called Varied word problems, whose aim is to develop problem-solving through the student's deeper understanding of the internal structure of word problems. Varied word problems consist of one basic task and two/three variations of the same context and different mathematical structures.
Radka Havlíčková, Karolína Mottlová (2023)
Učitel matematiky
The paper presents a non-traditional type of word problems, "Restless numbers", whose aim is to enhance pupils' need to argue and to use real experiences in solving them. They encourage pupils to experiment so that they discover new solving strategies.
Pavel Stříž, Michal Polášek (2008)
Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů TeXu
In the first part, the article presents a simple presentation created in PDFSlide and PDFScreen packages and in the Beamer class. In the second part, the article discusses the Beamer class in a real-world presentation in more detail. It starts with the creation of METAPOST graphics. After that it comments on some settings of the Beamer design, generating a title page and a section table of contents. Next follows an example of and commands. The generated output is a PDF file. This file...