Displaying similar documents to “On the characteristic modes of a rigid body under forces”

Global asymptotic stabilisation of an active mass damper for a flexible beam

Laura Menini, Antonio Tornambè, Luca Zaccarian (1999)



In this paper, a finite dimensional approximated model of a mechanical system constituted by a vertical heavy flexible beam with lumped masses placed along the beam and a mobile mass located at the tip, is proposed; such a model is parametric in the approximation order, so that a prescribed accuracy in the representation of the actual system can be easily obtained with the proposed model. The system itself can be understood as a simple representation of a building subject to transverse...

On harmonic disturbance rejection of an undamped Euler-Bernoulli beam with rigid tip body

Bao-Zhu Guo, Qiong Zhang (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


A hybrid flexible beam equation with harmonic disturbance at the end where a rigid tip body is attached is considered. A simple motor torque feedback control is designed for which only the measured time-dependent angle of rotation and its velocity are utilized. It is shown that this control can impel the amplitude of the attached rigid tip body tending to zero as time goes to infinity.