Displaying similar documents to “Non-transitive points and porosity”

A survey on transitivity in discrete time dynamical systems. application to symbolic systems and related languages

Gianpiero Cattaneo, Alberto Dennunzio, Fabio Farina (2006)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


The main goal of this paper is the investigation of a relevant property which appears in the various definition of deterministic topological chaos for discrete time dynamical system: transitivity. Starting from the standard Devaney's notion of topological chaos based on regularity, transitivity, and sensitivity to the initial conditions, the critique formulated by Knudsen is taken into account in order to exclude periodic chaos from this definition. Transitivity (or some stronger versions...

The structure of transitive ordered permutation groups

Zhu, Zuo-Tong, Huang Zhenyu (1999)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We give some necessary and sufficient conditions for transitive l -permutation groups to be 2 -transitive. We also discuss primitive components and give necessary and sufficient conditions for transitive l -permutation groups to be normal-valued.