Displaying similar documents to “Sequential compactness vs. countable compactness”

Reflecting topological properties in continuous images

Vladimir Tkachuk (2012)

Open Mathematics


Given a topological property P, we study when it reflects in small continuous images, i.e., when for some infinite cardinal κ, a space X has P if and only if all its continuous images of weight less or equal to κ have P. We say that a cardinal invariant η reflects in continuous images of weight κ + if η(X) ≤ κ provided that η(Y) ≤ κ whenever Y is a continuous image of X of weight less or equal to κ +. We establish that, for any infinite cardinal κ, the spread, character, pseudocharacter...

Absolute countable compactness of products and topological groups

Yan-Kui Song (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In this paper, we generalize Vaughan's and Bonanzinga's results on absolute countable compactness of product spaces and give an example of a separable, countably compact, topological group which is not absolutely countably compact. The example answers questions of Matveev [8, Question 1] and Vaughan [9, Question (1)].

Totally proper forcing and the Moore-Mrówka problem

Todd Eisworth (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We describe a totally proper notion of forcing that can be used to shoot uncountable free sequences through certain countably compact non-compact spaces. This is almost (but not quite!) enough to produce a model of ZFC + CH in which countably tight compact spaces are sequential-we still do not know if the notion of forcing described in the paper can be iterated without adding reals.