Displaying similar documents to “Subspaces of ℓ₂(X) and Rad(X) without local unconditional structure”

On the structure of Banach spaces with an unconditional basic sequence

Razvan Anisca (2007)

Studia Mathematica


For a Banach space X with an unconditional basic sequence, one of the following regular-irregular alternatives holds: either X contains a subspace isomorphic to ℓ₂, or X contains a subspace which has an unconditional finite-dimensional decomposition, but does not admit such a decomposition with a uniform bound for the dimensions of the decomposition. This result can be viewed in the context of Gowers' dichotomy theorem.

Aspects of unconditionality of bases in spaces of compact operators

James R. Holub (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


E. Tutaj has introduced classes of Schauder bases termed "unconditional-like" (UL) and "unconditional-like*" (UL*) whose intersection is the class of unconditional bases. In view of this association with unconditional bases, it is interesting to note that there exist Banach spaces which have no unconditional basis and yet have a basis of one of these two types (e.g., the space 𝓞[0,1]). In the same spirit, we show in this paper that the space of all compact operators on a reflexive Banach...

On a functional-analysis approach to orthogonal sequences problems.

Vladimir P. Fonf, Anatolij M. Plichko, V. V. Shevchik (2001)



Sea T un operador lineal acotado e inyectivo de un espacio de Banach X en un espacio de Hilbert H con rango denso y sea {x} ⊂ X una sucesión tal que {Tx} es ortogonal. Se estudian propiedades de {Tx} dependientes de propiedades de {x}. También se estudia la ""situación opuesta"", es decir, la acción de un operador T : H → X sobre sucesiones ortogonales.