Projective Hilbert A(D)-modules.
Carlson, Jon F., Clark, Douglas N., Foias, Ciprian, Williams, J.P. (1994)
The New York Journal of Mathematics [electronic only]
Carlson, Jon F., Clark, Douglas N., Foias, Ciprian, Williams, J.P. (1994)
The New York Journal of Mathematics [electronic only]
Douglas N. Clark (1997)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
In a recent paper, Carlson, Foiaş, Williams and the author proved that isometric Hilbert modules are projective in the category of Hilbert modules similar to contractive ones. In this paper, a simple proof, based on a strengthened lifting theorem, is given. The proof also applies to an equivalent theorem of Foiaş and Williams on similarity to a contraction of a certain 2 × 2 operator matrix.
Kunyu Guo (1999)
Studia Mathematica
The normal cohomology functor is introduced from the category of all normal Hilbert modules over the ball algebra to the category of A(B)-modules. From the calculation of -groups, we show that every normal C(∂B)-extension of a normal Hilbert module (viewed as a Hilbert module over A(B) is normal projective and normal injective. It follows that there is a natural isomorphism between Hom of normal Shilov modules and that of their quotient modules, which is a new lifting theorem of normal...
Maria Joiţa, Mohammad Sal Moslehian (2012)
Studia Mathematica
We introduce a notion of Morita equivalence for Hilbert C*-modules in terms of the Morita equivalence of the algebras of compact operators on Hilbert C*-modules. We investigate the properties of the new Morita equivalence. We apply our results to study continuous actions of locally compact groups on full Hilbert C*-modules. We also present an extension of Green's theorem in the context of Hilbert C*-modules.
David P. Blecher, Jon E. Kraus (2010)
Banach Center Publications
a recent paper of the first author and Kashyap, a new class of Banach modules over dual operator algebras is introduced. These generalize the W*-modules (that is, Hilbert C*-modules over a von Neumann algebra which satisfy an analogue of the Riesz representation theorem for Hilbert spaces), which in turn generalize Hilbert spaces. In the present paper, we describe these modules, giving some motivation, and we prove several new results about them.
Dijana Ilišević, Chih-Neng Liu, Ngai-Ching Wong (2017)
Concrete Operators
Being expected as a Banach space substitute of the orthogonal projections on Hilbert spaces, generalized n-circular projections also extend the notion of generalized bicontractive projections on JB*-triples. In this paper, we study some geometric properties of JB*-triples related to them. In particular, we provide some structure theorems of generalized n-circular projections on an often mentioned special case of JB*-triples, i.e., Hilbert C*-modules over abelian C*-algebras C0(Ω). ...
Thom, Andreas (2011)
Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]
Moslehian, Mohammad Sal (2001)
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series
Manuilov, V.M. (1996)
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series
Maria Joiţa (2011)
Open Mathematics
In this paper, we prove a covariant version of the Stinespring theorem for Hilbert C*-modules. Also, we show that there is a bijective correspondence between operator valued completely positive maps, (u′, u)-covariant with respect to the dynamical system (G, η, X) on Hilbert C*-modules and (u′, u)-covariant operator valued completely positive maps on the crossed product G ×η X of X by η.
Maria Joiţa (2004)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
In this paper the tensor products of Hilbert modules over locally -algebras are defined and their properties are studied. Thus we show that most of the basic properties of the tensor products of Hilbert -modules are also valid in the context of Hilbert modules over locally -algebras.
T. Nakayama (1964)
Acta Arithmetica