Displaying similar documents to “Calculus on Lie algebroids, Lie groupoids and Poisson manifolds”

Tangent lifts of higher order of multiplicative Dirac structures

P. M. Kouotchop Wamba, A. Ntyam (2013)

Archivum Mathematicum


The tangent lifts of higher order of Dirac structures and some properties have been defined in [9] and studied in [11]. By the same way, the tangent lifts of higher order of Poisson structures have been studied in [10] and some applications are given. In particular, the authors have studied the nature of the Lie algebroids and singular foliations induced by these lifting. In this paper, we study the tangent lifts of higher order of multiplicative Poisson structures, multiplicative Dirac...

Vector form brackets in Lie algebroids

Albert Nijenhuis (1996)

Archivum Mathematicum


A brief exposition of Lie algebroids, followed by a discussion of vector forms and their brackets in this context - and a formula for these brackets in “deformed” Lie algebroids.

Characteristic classes of regular Lie algebroids – a sketch

Kubarski, Jan


The discourse begins with a definition of a Lie algebroid which is a vector bundle p : A M over a manifold with an R -Lie algebra structure on the smooth section module and a bundle morphism γ : A T M which induces a Lie algebra morphism on the smooth section modules. If γ has constant rank, the Lie algebroid is called regular. (A monograph on the theory of Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids is published by [Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids in differential geometry (1987; Zbl 0683.53029)].) A principal...

Dirac structures and dynamical r -matrices

Zhang-Ju Liu, Ping Xu (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


The purpose of this paper is to establish a connection between various objects such as dynamical r -matrices, Lie bialgebroids, and Lagrangian subalgebras. Our method relies on the theory of Dirac structures and Courant algebroids. In particular, we give a new method of classifying dynamical r -matrices of simple Lie algebras 𝔤 , and prove that dynamical r -matrices are in one-one correspondence with certain Lagrangian subalgebras of 𝔤 𝔤 .