Displaying similar documents to “Banach space techniques underpinning a theory for nearly additive mappings”

A theorem of the Hahn-Banach type and its applications

Zbigniew Gajda, Andrzej Smajdor, Wilhelmina Smajdor (1992)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let Y be a subgroup of an abelian group X and let T be a given collection of subsets of a linear space E over the rationals. Moreover, suppose that F is a subadditive set-valued function defined on X with values in T. We establish some conditions under which every additive selection of the restriction of F to Y can be extended to an additive selection of F. We also present some applications of results of this type to the stability of functional equations.

On subadditive functions and ψ-additive mappings

Janusz Matkowski (2003)

Open Mathematics


In [4], assuming among others subadditivity and submultiplicavity of a function ψ: [0, ∞)→[0, ∞), the authors proved a Hyers-Ulam type stability theorem for “ψ-additive” mappings of a normed space into a normed space. In this note we show that the assumed conditions of the function ψ imply that ψ=0 and, consequently, every “ψ-additive” mapping must be additive