Displaying similar documents to “The parity of the Maslov index and the even cobordism category”

Coproducts and the additivity of the Szymczak index

Kinga Stolot (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We prove that the index defined by Szymczak in [9] has an additivity property. Moreover we give an abstract theorem for extending coproducts from an initial category to the Szymczak category, which provides a setting for the proof of additivity.

Steenrod homology

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A 2-category of chronological cobordisms and odd Khovanov homology

Krzysztof K. Putyra (2014)

Banach Center Publications


We create a framework for odd Khovanov homology in the spirit of Bar-Natan's construction for the ordinary Khovanov homology. Namely, we express the cube of resolutions of a link diagram as a diagram in a certain 2-category of chronological cobordisms and show that it is 2-commutative: the composition of 2-morphisms along any 3-dimensional subcube is trivial. This allows us to create a chain complex whose homotopy type modulo certain relations is a link invariant. Both the original and...

Topos based homology theory

M. V. Mielke (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In this paper we extend the Eilenberg-Steenrod axiomatic description of a homology theory from the category of topological spaces to an arbitrary category and, in particular, to a topos. Implicit in this extension is an extension of the notions of homotopy and excision. A general discussion of such homotopy and excision structures on a category is given along with several examples including the interval based homotopies and, for toposes, the excisions represented by “cutting out” subobjects....