Displaying similar documents to “Computable categoricity versus relative computable categoricity”

Computable analysis

Stanisław Mazur


CONTENTS Foreword.......................................................................................... 3 I. Recursive and computable numbers...................................... 4 1. Recursive numbers................................................................... 5 2. Computable numbers............................................................... 17 II. Recursive and computable sequences................................. 22 III. Recursive and computable functionals....................................

Computable structures and operations on the space of continuous functions

Alexander G. Melnikov, Keng Meng Ng (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We use ideas and machinery of effective algebra to investigate computable structures on the space C[0,1] of continuous functions on the unit interval. We show that (C[0,1],sup) has infinitely many computable structures non-equivalent up to a computable isometry. We also investigate if the usual operations on C[0,1] are necessarily computable in every computable structure on C[0,1]. Among other results, we show that there is a computable structure on C[0,1] which computes + and the scalar...