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Displaying similar documents to “Event-triggered observer-based tracking control for leader-follower multi-agent systems”

Output consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems with unknown control directions

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In this paper, we consider an output consensus problem for a general class of nonlinear multi-agent systems without a prior knowledge of the agents' control directions. Two distributed Nussbaum-type control laws are proposed to solve the leaderless and leader-following adaptive consensus for heterogeneous multiple agents. Examples and simulations are given to verify their effectiveness.

Consensus-based impact-time-control guidance law for cooperative attack of multiple missiles

Qing Zhu, Xiaoli Wang, Qianyu Lin (2017)



In this paper, a new guidance problem with the impact time constraint for cooperative attack of multiple missiles is investigated, which can be applied to salvo attack of anti-ship missiles. It can be used to guide multiple missiles to hit a stationary target simultaneously at a desirable impact time. The considered impact time control problem can be transformed into a range tracking problem. Then the range tracking problem can be viewed a consensus problem of multi-missile systems....

Dynamic coverage control design of multi-agent systems under ellipse sensing regions

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This paper studies the dynamic coverage control problem for cooperative region reconnaissance where a group of agents are required to reconnoitre a given region. The main challenge of this problem is that the sensing region of each agent is an ellipse. This modeling results in asymmetric(directed) interactions among agents. First, the region reconnaissance is formulated as a coverage problem, where each point in the given region should be surveyed until a preset level is achieved. Then,...

Switching LPV control design with MDADT and its application to a morphing aircraft

Yong He, Chunjuan Li, Weiguo Zhang, Jingping Shi, Yongxi Lü (2016)



In flight control of a morphing aircraft, the design objective and the dynamics may be different in its various configurations. To accommodate different performance goals in different sweep wing configurations, a novel switching strategy, mode dependent average dwell time (MDADT), is adopted to investigate the flight control of a morphing aircraft in its morphing phase. The switching signal used in this note is more general than the average dwell time (ADT), in which each mode has its...

Robust quasi NID aircraft 3D flight control under sensor noise

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In the paper the design of an aircraft motion controller based on the Dynamic Contraction Method is presented. The control task is formulated as a tracking problem for Euler angles, where the desired decoupled output transients are accomplished under assumption of high-level, high-frequency sensor noise and incomplete information about varying parameters of the system and external disturbances. The resulting controller has a simple form of a combination of a low-order linear dynamical...

An example of the knowledge based controller-design and evaluation.

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Mathware and Soft Computing


Knowledge based controller for a balance control model is presented in this paper. The design of the controller was based on the human control of the same process. Developed controller is tested by means of simulation and operation on the laboratory balance control model. The simulation results of the controller as well as a statistical description of the experiments with developed controller and human control is presented in the paper. Verification is based on experiments with an intelligent...