Invariant copulas
Erich Peter Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap (2002)
Erich Peter Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap (2002)
Ali Dolati, Manuel Úbeda-Flores (2009)
In this paper, we introduce two transformations on a given copula to construct new and recover already-existent families. The method is based on the choice of pairs of order statistics of the marginal distributions. Properties of such transformations and their effects on the dependence and symmetry structure of a copula are studied.
Radko Mesiar, Vladimír Jágr, Monika Juráňová, Magda Komorníková (2008)
The univariate conditioning of copulas is studied, yielding a construction method for copulas based on an a priori given copula. Based on the gluing method, g-ordinal sum of copulas is introduced and a representation of copulas by means of g-ordinal sums is given. Though different right conditionings commute, this is not the case of right and left conditioning, with a special exception of Archimedean copulas. Several interesting examples are given. Especially, any Ali-Mikhail-Haq copula...
Tarad Jwaid, Bernard de Baets, Hans de Meyer (2009)
We introduce four families of semilinear copulas (i.e. copulas that are linear in at least one coordinate of any point of the unit square) of which the diagonal and opposite diagonal sections are given functions. For each of these families, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions under which given diagonal and opposite diagonal functions can be the diagonal and opposite diagonal sections of a semilinear copula belonging to that family. We focus particular attention on the family...
Fabrizio Durante, Juan Fernández-Sánchez, Wolfgang Trutschnig (2014)
Dependence Modeling
We solve a recent open problem about a new transformation mapping the set of copulas into itself. The obtained mapping is characterized in algebraic terms and some limit results are proved.