Displaying similar documents to “Explicit integration of equations of motion solved on computer cluster”

Using normal mode analysis in teaching mathematical modeling to biology students

D. A. Kondrashov (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena


Linear oscillators are used for modeling a diverse array of natural systems, for instance acoustics, materials science, and chemical spectroscopy. In this paper I describe simple models of structural interactions in biological molecules, known as elastic network models, as a useful topic for undergraduate biology instruction in mathematical modeling. These models use coupled linear oscillators to model the fluctuations of molecular structures around the equilibrium state. I present many...

Advances in parallel heterogeneous genetic algorithms for continuous optimization

Enrique Alba, Francisco Luna, Antonio Nebro (2004)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


In this paper we address an extension of a very efficient genetic algorithm (GA) known as Hy3, a physical parallelization of the gradual distributed real-coded GA (GD-RCGA). This search model relies on a set of eight subpopulations residing in a cube topology having two faces for promoting exploration and exploitation. The resulting technique has been shown to yield very accurate results in continuous optimization by using crossover operators tuned to explore and exploit the solutions...

Performance evaluation of MapReduce using full virtualisation on a departmental cloud

Horacio González-Vélez, Maryam Kontagora (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


This work analyses the performance of Hadoop, an implementation of the MapReduce programming model for distributed parallel computing, executing on a virtualisation environment comprised of 1 + 16 nodes running the VMWare workstation software. A set of experiments using the standard Hadoop benchmarks has been designed in order to determine whether or not significant reductions in the execution time of computations are experienced when using Hadoop on this virtualisation platform on a...