Displaying similar documents to “Remarks on the Principle of Permanence of Forms”

Dialectics and Logic

Svetlana Knjazev Adamović (2012)

Review of the National Center for Digitization


Simple Decision Procedure for S5 in Standard Cut-Free Sequent Calculus

Andrzej Indrzejczak (2016)

Bulletin of the Section of Logic


In the paper a decision procedure for S5 is presented which uses a cut-free sequent calculus with additional rules allowing a reduction to normal modal forms. It utilizes the fact that in S5 every formula is equivalent to some 1-degree formula, i.e. a modally-flat formula with modal functors having only boolean formulas in its scope. In contrast to many sequent calculi (SC) for S5 the presented system does not introduce any extra devices. Thus it is a standard version of SC but with...

Logic of existence and logic of knowledge. Epistemic and non epistemic aspects of logic

Michel Bourdeau (2003)

Philosophia Scientiae


Contrairement à ce qui a parfois été dit, la logique classique et la logique intuitionniste ne s’opposent pas comme une logique de l’existence à une logique de la connaissance. Les considérations épistémologiques trouvent naturellement leur place dans le cadre de la logique classique, sans qu’il soit nécessaire de faire intervenir aucun principe intuitionniste ; il suffit pour cela de reconnaître que la logique ne peut se passer de la notion d’assertion, ou si l’on préfère de jugement....

Information Society for Enlightened Voting

Passy, Solomon (2015)

Serdica Journal of Computing


Among the millions of words uttered and written on the subject of democracy, Winston Churchill’s are among the most famous: “Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” [4] The occasion of the remark – it was made on 11 November 1947, when the great wartime leader spoke for the opposition in Britain’s House of Commons – is a reminder of how far the world has since travelled. Yet the passing of six decades notwithstanding,...