The search session has expired. Please query the service again.

The search session has expired. Please query the service again.

The search session has expired. Please query the service again.

The search session has expired. Please query the service again.

The search session has expired. Please query the service again.

The search session has expired. Please query the service again.

The search session has expired. Please query the service again.

The search session has expired. Please query the service again.

The search session has expired. Please query the service again.

The search session has expired. Please query the service again.

The search session has expired. Please query the service again.

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Номограммы с ориентированным транспарантом, с контактами касания и круговыми системами помеченных линий

Jaroslav Záhora (1968)

Aplikace matematiky


Lárticle traite des nomogrammes à une feuille transparente, glissable en deux directions. On emploie des contacts tangentiels simples et des contacts mixtes doubles. On présente les formes canoniques de nomogrammes, dont les systèmes d'isoplèthes sont des cercles ou des droites.