Displaying similar documents to “Sequential retractivities and regularity on inductive limits”

Sequential completeness of subspaces of products of two cardinals

Roman Frič, Nobuyuki Kemoto (1999)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let κ be a cardinal number with the usual order topology. We prove that all subspaces of κ 2 are weakly sequentially complete and, as a corollary, all subspaces of ω 1 2 are sequentially complete. Moreover we show that a subspace of ( ω 1 + 1 ) 2 need not be sequentially complete, but note that X = A × B is sequentially complete whenever A and B are subspaces of κ .

On FU( p )-spaces and p -sequential spaces

Salvador García-Ferreira (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Following Kombarov we say that X is p -sequential, for p α * , if for every non-closed subset A of X there is f α X such that f ( α ) A and f ¯ ( p ) X A . This suggests the following definition due to Comfort and Savchenko, independently: X is a FU( p )-space if for every A X and every x A - there is a function f α A such that f ¯ ( p ) = x . It is not hard to see that p RK q ( RK denotes the Rudin–Keisler order) every p -sequential space is q -sequential every FU( p )-space is a FU( q )-space. We generalize the spaces S n to construct examples of...

Sequential closures of σ -subalgebras for a vector measure

Werner J. Ricker (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let X be a locally convex space, m : Σ X be a vector measure defined on a σ -algebra Σ , and L 1 ( m ) be the associated (locally convex) space of m -integrable functions. Let Σ ( m ) denote { χ E ; E Σ } , equipped with the relative topology from L 1 ( m ) . For a subalgebra 𝒜 Σ , let 𝒜 σ denote the generated σ -algebra and 𝒜 ¯ s denote the closure of χ ( 𝒜 ) = { χ E ; E 𝒜 } in L 1 ( m ) . Sets of the form 𝒜 ¯ s arise in criteria determining separability of L 1 ( m ) ; see [6]. We consider some natural questions concerning 𝒜 ¯ s and, in particular, its relation to χ ( 𝒜 σ ) . It is shown that...