Displaying similar documents to “A canonical directly infinite ring”

When is every order ideal a ring ideal?

Melvin Henriksen, Suzanne Larson, Frank A. Smith (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


A lattice-ordered ring is called an if each of its order ideals is a ring ideal. Generalizing earlier work of Basly and Triki, OIRI-rings are characterized as those f -rings such that / 𝕀 is contained in an f -ring with an identity element that is a strong order unit for some nil l -ideal 𝕀 of . In particular, if P ( ) denotes the set of nilpotent elements of the f -ring , then is an OIRI-ring if and only if / P ( ) is contained in an f -ring with an identity element that is a strong order unit. ...

Conditions under which R ( x ) and R x are almost Q-rings

Hani A. Khashan, H. Al-Ezeh (2007)

Archivum Mathematicum


All rings considered in this paper are assumed to be commutative with identities. A ring R is a Q -ring if every ideal of R is a finite product of primary ideals. An almost Q -ring is a ring whose localization at every prime ideal is a Q -ring. In this paper, we first prove that the statements, R is an almost Z P I -ring and R [ x ] is an almost Q -ring are equivalent for any ring R . Then we prove that under the condition that every prime ideal of R ( x ) is an extension of a prime ideal of R , the ring R ...

Diagonal reductions of matrices over exchange ideals

Huanyin Chen (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


In this paper, we introduce related comparability for exchange ideals. Let I be an exchange ideal of a ring R . If I satisfies related comparability, then for any regular matrix A M n ( I ) , there exist left invertible U 1 , U 2 M n ( R ) and right invertible V 1 , V 2 M n ( R ) such that U 1 V 1 A U 2 V 2 = diag ( e 1 , , e n ) for idempotents e 1 , , e n I .