The subalgebra lattice of a Heyting algebra
Luc Vrancken-Mawet, Georges Hansoul (1987)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Luc Vrancken-Mawet, Georges Hansoul (1987)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Ján Jakubík (2006)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
The extension of a lattice ordered group by a generalized Boolean algebra will be denoted by . In this paper we apply subdirect decompositions of for dealing with a question proposed by Conrad and Darnel. Further, in the case when is linearly ordered we investigate (i) the completely subdirect decompositions of and those of , and (ii) the values of elements of and the radical .
Francesc Esteva (1977)
In this note we give a characterization of complete atomic Boolean algebras by means of complete atomic lattices. We find that unicity of the representation of the maximum as union of atoms and Lambda-infinite distributivity law are necessary and sufficient conditions for the lattice to be a complete atomic Boolean algebra.
Ján Jakubík (2003)
Mathematica Slovaca