Displaying similar documents to “Statistical maps. I: Basic properties”

Confidentiality in the European Statistical System.

Photis Nanopoulos (1997)



Confidentiality and data protection are the counterparts of the obligation for response and the cornerstone for confidence building between the national statistical services and the respondents. On this common principle the various national statistical systems among the 15 (and other) European states have been established. There is great concern at national and international level on statistical confidentiality. The respect of privacy has led national authorities to develop...

Statistical convergence of sequences of functions with values in semi-uniform spaces

Dimitrios N. Georgiou, Athanasios C. Megaritis, Selma Özçağ (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We study several kinds of statistical convergence of sequences of functions with values in semi-uniform spaces. Particularly, we generalize to statistical convergence the classical results of C. Arzelà, Dini and P.S. Alexandroff, as well as their statistical versions studied in [Caserta A., Di Maio G., Kočinac L.D.R., {Statistical convergence in function spaces},. Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2011, Art. ID 420419, 11 pp.] and [Caserta A., Kočinac L.D.R., {On statistical exhaustiveness}, Appl....