Displaying similar documents to “On magic graphs”

On magic joins of graphs

Jaroslav Ivančo, Tatiana Polláková (2012)

Mathematica Bohemica


A graph is called magic (supermagic) if it admits a labeling of the edges by pairwise different (and consecutive) integers such that the sum of the labels of the edges incident with a vertex is independent of the particular vertex. In this paper we characterize magic joins of graphs and we establish some conditions for magic joins of graphs to be supermagic.

Supermagic Graphs Having a Saturated Vertex

Jaroslav Ivančo, Tatiana Polláková (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A graph is called supermagic if it admits a labeling of the edges by pairwise different consecutive integers such that the sum of the labels of the edges incident with a vertex is independent of the particular vertex. In this paper we establish some conditions for graphs with a saturated vertex to be supermagic. Inter alia we show that complete multipartite graphs K1,n,n and K1,2,...,2 are supermagic.

Dynamic cage survey.

Exoo, Geoffrey, Jajcay, Robert (2008)

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]


Characterizations of the Family of All Generalized Line Graphs-Finite and Infinite-and Classification of the Family of All Graphs Whose Least Eigenvalues ≥ −2

Gurusamy Rengasamy Vijayakumar (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


The infimum of the least eigenvalues of all finite induced subgraphs of an infinite graph is defined to be its least eigenvalue. In [P.J. Cameron, J.M. Goethals, J.J. Seidel and E.E. Shult, Line graphs, root systems, and elliptic geometry, J. Algebra 43 (1976) 305-327], the class of all finite graphs whose least eigenvalues ≥ −2 has been classified: (1) If a (finite) graph is connected and its least eigenvalue is at least −2, then either it is a generalized line graph or it is represented...