Displaying similar documents to “Bias of LS estimators in nonlinear regression models with constraints. Part I: General case”

Bias of LS estimators in nonlinear regression models with constraints. Part II: Biadditive models

Jean-Baptiste Denis, Andrej Pázman (1999)

Applications of Mathematics


General results giving approximate bias for nonlinear models with constrained parameters are applied to bilinear models in anova framework, called biadditive models. Known results on the information matrix and the asymptotic variance matrix of the parameters are summarized, and the Jacobians and Hessians of the response and of the constraints are derived. These intermediate results are the basis for any subsequent second order study of the model. Despite the large number of parameters...

Seemingly unrelated regression models

Lubomír Kubáček (2013)

Applications of Mathematics


The cross-covariance matrix of observation vectors in two linear statistical models need not be zero matrix. In such a case the problem is to find explicit expressions for the best linear unbiased estimators of both model parameters and estimators of variance components in the simplest structure of the covariance matrix. Univariate and multivariate forms of linear models are dealt with.

Variance components and an additional experiment

Lubomír Kubáček (2012)

Applications of Mathematics


Estimators of parameters of an investigated object can be considered after some time as insufficiently precise. Therefore, an additional measurement must be realized. A model of a measurement, taking into account both the original results and the new ones, has a litle more complicated covariance matrix, since the variance components occur in it. How to deal with them is the aim of the paper.