Displaying similar documents to “Additivities in fuzzy coalition games with side-payments”

Superadditivity in general fuzzy coalition games

Milan Mareš (2000)



The superadditivity and related concepts belong to the fundamental ones in the coalition game theory. Their definition in general coalition games (games without side-payments) is based on the set theoretical approaches. It means that in the case of fuzzy coalition games the set theoretical model can be modified into the fuzzy set theoretical one. In this paper, the coalition games without side-payments and with fuzzy expectations of the pay-offs of players are considered and it is shown...

Alternative model of fuzzy NTU coalitional game

Milan Mareš, Milan Vlach (2003)



One of the possible models of fuzzification of non-transferable utility (NTU) coalitional games was extensively treated in [4]. In this paper, we suggest an alternative structure of fuzzification of the NTU games, where for every coalition a fuzzy class of (generally crisp) sets of its admissible pay-off vectors is considered. It is shown that this model of a fuzzy coalitional game can be represented by a fuzzy class of deterministic NTU games, and its basic concepts like the superadditivity...

An orthogonality-based classification of conjectures in ortholattices.

Enric Trillas, Ana Pradera (2006)

Mathware and Soft Computing


A mathematical model for conjectures (including hypotheses, consequences and speculations), was recently introduced, in the context of ortholattices, by Trillas, Cubillo and Castiñeira (Artificial Intelligence 117, 2000, 255-257). The aim of the present paper is to further clarify the structure of this model by studying its relationships with one of the most important ortholattices' relation, the orthogonality relation. The particular case of orthomodular lattices -the framework for...

On the possibilities of fuzzification of the solution in fuzzy cooperative games.

Milan Mares (2002)

Mathware and Soft Computing


Some possibilities of fuzzification of the von Neumann-Morgenstern solution of cooperative games with transferable utility (TU games) are briefly investigated. The fuzzification based on the transformation of individual fuzzy TU game into a fuzzy class of (deterministic) TU games with their own specific solutions is discussed.

Coalitional fuzzy preferences

Milan Mareš (2002)



The paper deals with the concept of coalitional preferences in the group decision-making situations in which the agents and coalitions have only vague idea about the comparative acceptability of particular outcomes. The coalitional games with vague utilities (see, e. g., [6]) can serve for a good example when some types of the game solutions (e. g., the von Neumann– Morgenstern one) are to be extended to the fuzzy game case. In this paper, we consider the fuzzy analogies of coalitional...