Displaying similar documents to “Transitive decomposition of fuzzy preference relations: the case of nilpotent minimum”

Aggregations preserving classes of fuzzy relations

Józef Drewniak, Urszula Dudziak (2005)



We consider aggregations of fuzzy relations using means in [0,1] (especially: minimum, maximum and quasilinear mean). After recalling fundamental properties of fuzzy relations we examine means, which preserve reflexivity, symmetry, connectedness and transitivity of fuzzy relations. Conversely, some properties of aggregated relations can be inferred from properties of aggregation results. Results of the paper are completed by suitable examples and counter- examples, which is summarized...

On the generators of T-indistinguishability operator.

Joan Jacas (1988)



The structure of the generators' set of a T-indistinguishability operator is analyzed. A suitable characterization of such generators is given. T-indistinguishability operators generated by a single fuzzy set, in the sense of the representation problem, are studied.

Intuitionistic fuzzy relations (Part I).

Pedro J. Burillo, Humberto Bustince (1995)

Mathware and Soft Computing


This paper introduces the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy relation. We also study the choice of t-norms and t-conorms which must be done in order that the composition of intuitionistic fuzzy relations fulfils the largest number of properties. On the other hand, we also analyse the intuitionistic fuzzy relations in a set and their properties. Besides, we also study the properties of the intuitionistic fuzzy relations in a set and the properties of the composition with different t-norms...

On contrast intensification operators and fuzzy equality relations.

Pedro J. Burillo López, Ramón Fuentes-González, León González Sotos, Angel Marín (2000)

Mathware and Soft Computing


The class of contrast intensification operators is formally defined and it's lattice structure studied. The effect of these operators in the referential classifications derived from special kinds of fuzzy relations is also determined. Results and examples are presented providing contrast intensification operators which keep quasi-uniformity structures generated by fuzzy relations while diminishing the fuzziness or the entropy of the relations.

Searching degrees of self-contradiction in Atanassov's fuzzy sets.

Elena E. Castiñeira, Susana Cubillo, Carmen Torres (2006)

Mathware and Soft Computing


In [11] and [12] Trillas et al. introduced the study of contradiction in the framework of Fuzzy Logic because of the significance to avoid contradictory outputs in the processes of inference. Later, the study of contradiction in the framework of intuitionistic or Atanassov s fuzzy sets was initiated in [6] and [5]. The aim of this work is to go into the problem of measuring the self-contradiction in the case of intuitionistc fuzzy sets, since it is interesting to know not only if a set...

Intuitionistic fuzzy relations (Part II). Effect of Atanassov's operators on the properties of the intuitionistic fuzzy relations.

Pedro J. Burrillo, Humberto Bustince (1995)

Mathware and Soft Computing


In this paper we study the effect of Atanassov's operator on the properties of properties reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, perfect antisymmetric and transitive intuitionistic fuzzy relations. We finish the paper analysing the partial enclosure of the intuitionistic fuzzy relations and its effect on the conservation of the transitive property through Atanassov's operator.