Displaying similar documents to “An existence result on partitioning of a measurable space: Pareto optimality and core”

Pareto optimality in the kidney exchange problem

Viera Borbeľová, Katarína Cechlárová (2008)



To overcome the shortage of cadaveric kidneys available for transplantation, several countries organize systematic kidney exchange programs. The kidney exchange problem can be modelled as a cooperative game between incompatible patient-donor pairs whose solutions are permutations of players representing cyclic donations. We show that the problems to decide whether a given permutation is not (weakly) Pareto optimal are NP-complete.

Notes on the evolution of feature selection methodology

Petr Somol, Jana Novovičová, Pavel Pudil (2007)



The paper gives an overview of feature selection techniques in statistical pattern recognition with particular emphasis on methods developed within the Institute of Information Theory and Automation research team throughout recent years. Besides discussing the advances in methodology since times of Perez’s pioneering work the paper attempts to put the methods into a taxonomical framework. The methods discussed include the latest variants of the optimal algorithms, enhanced sub-optimal...