Displaying similar documents to “Numerical modelling of semi-coercive beam problem with unilateral elastic subsoil of Winkler's type”

Mixed finite element analysis of semi-coercive unilateral contact problems with given friction

Ivan Hlaváček (2007)

Applications of Mathematics


A unilateral contact 2D-problem is considered provided one of two elastic bodies can shift in a given direction as a rigid body. Using Lagrange multipliers for both normal and tangential constraints on the contact interface, we introduce a saddle point problem and prove its unique solvability. We discretize the problem by a standard finite element method and prove a convergence of approximations. We propose a numerical realization on the basis of an auxiliary “bolted” problem and the...

Mixed formulation of elliptic variational inequalities and its approximation

Jaroslav Haslinger (1981)

Aplikace matematiky


The approximation of a mixed formulation of elliptic variational inequalities is studied. Mixed formulation is defined as the problem of finding a saddle-point of a properly chosen Lagrangian 2 on a certain convex set K x Λ . Sufficient conditions, guaranteeing the convergence of approximate solutions are studied. Abstract results are applied to concrete examples.

Least square method for solving contact problems with friction obeying the Coulomb law

Jaroslav Haslinger (1984)

Aplikace matematiky


The paper deals with numerical realization of contact problems with friction obeying the Coulomb law. The original problem is formulated as the fixed-point problem for a certain operator generated by the variational inequality. This inequality is transformed to a system of variational nonlinear equations generating other operators, in a sense "close" to the above one. The fixed-point problem of these operators is solved by the least-square method in which equations and the corresponding...