Displaying similar documents to “Medidas y probabilidades en estructuras ordenadas.”

Sobre las isometrías de los grupos y anillos reticulados.

Josep Grané Manlleu (1980)



El contenido de este trabajo tiene un objetivo fundamental: el estudio, clasificación y caracterización de las isometrías de un grupo reticulado. Se introducen los conceptos de grupo de isometrías M(G) de un grupo reticulado G, grupo de simetrías homogéneas H(G) y traslaciones T(G). Se estudia primero el caso elemental de los grupos totalmente ordenados y utilizando luego las representaciones de los grupos (y f-anillos) en un producto de totalmente ordenados, se introduce el concepto...

Monoides parcialmente aditivos en la teoría de la información.

A. Bahamonde Rionda, J. S. López García (1985)



Partially-additive monoids (pams) were introduced by Arbib and Manes ([1]) in order to provide an algebraic approach to the semantic of recursion in theoretical computer science. Here we extend the range of application of pams for capturing information theory concepts as componibility and sequential continuity, which arise naturally in this framework.

Comportamiento asintótico de las ecuaciones de la termoelasticidad generalizada.

Alberto Falqués Serra (1982)



In this paper it is first shown that the linear evolution equations for a generalized thermoelastic solid generate a C semigroup. Next an analysis of the long time evolution behaviour yields the some results known for classical thermoelasticity: generically, the natural state is asymptotically stable.

Geometría de gramianos en el espacio de Hilbert.

Pedro J. Burillo López, Joaquín Aguilella Almer (1981)



The purpose of the Part I of this paper is to develop the geometry of Gram's determinants in Hilbert space. In Parts II and III a generalization is given of the Pythagorean theorem and triangular inequality for finite vector families.

Sobre funciones de negación en [0,1].

Francesc Esteva, Xavier Domingo (1980)



In [12] Trillas proved that (P(X),∩,U,-n) is a quasi-Boolean algebra if and only if its negation has an additive generator. In this paper such result is generalized to PJ(X) and the symmetry of J is analized. From the results of Esteva ([11]) weak negations on [0,1] are studied; it is proved that such functions are monotonic, non-increasing, left-continuous and symmetrical with respect to y=x. Their classification relative to C([0,1])...

Criterio de maximización de la quietud esperada (invariante frente a traslaciones respecto a las utilidades).

María Angeles Gil Alvarez (1980)



In this paper we start from the following situation: a decision maker wants information about a certain parameter space for which he has a set of random variables with probability distribution depending on an unknown paremeter belonging to the mentioned space. Generally, we assume that the decision maker may observe values of any experiment but not of two simultaneous ones. This reason makes a comparison between them indispensable to choose the most appropriate for his objectives. ...