Displaying similar documents to “Teoría ergódica y simetrización.”

Monoides parcialmente aditivos en la teoría de la información.

A. Bahamonde Rionda, J. S. López García (1985)



Partially-additive monoids (pams) were introduced by Arbib and Manes ([1]) in order to provide an algebraic approach to the semantic of recursion in theoretical computer science. Here we extend the range of application of pams for capturing information theory concepts as componibility and sequential continuity, which arise naturally in this framework.

Comportamiento asintótico de las ecuaciones de la termoelasticidad generalizada.

Alberto Falqués Serra (1982)



In this paper it is first shown that the linear evolution equations for a generalized thermoelastic solid generate a C semigroup. Next an analysis of the long time evolution behaviour yields the some results known for classical thermoelasticity: generically, the natural state is asymptotically stable.

Sobre relativización de convergencias en G(H).

M.ª Carmen de las Obras Loscertales y Nasarre (1984)



Given a real separable Hilbert space H, G(H) denotes the Geometry of the closed linear subspaces of H, S = {E | n belonging to N} a sequence of G(H) and [E] the closed linear hull of E. The weak, strong and other convergences in G(H) were defined and characterized in previous papers. Now we study the convergence of sequences {E ∩ F | n belonging to N} when {E} is a convergent sequence and F is a subspace of G(H), and we show that these convergences hold, if this intersection exists....

Una introducción a la W-calculabilidad: Operaciones básicas.

Buenaventura Clares Rodríguez (1983)



Our purpose is to introduce the W-composition, W-minimalization and W-primitive recursion operations as operations between W-valued functions, where W denotes the ordered semiring ([0,1],+,≤). We prove that: 1) the set of W-calculable functions is closed under the W-composition and W-primitice recursion operations, and 2) the set of the partially W-calculable functions is closed under the W-minimalization operation.

Nuevas convergencias en G(H).

M.ª Carmen de las Obras Loscertales y Nasarre (1981)



Two new convergences of closed linear subspaces in the real separable Hilbert space are defined. These are the uniform strong convergence and the simultaneously strong and weak convergence to a single limit. Both convergences are characterized and it is shown that they verify the three axioms of Fréchet.

Unas notas sobre regularidad en matrices estocásticas.

J. L. Santos (1984)



Let P be a stochastic matrix. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the lim p from which follows the classical regularity conditions. Another regularity condition based in the Banach point fix theorem is also given.