Displaying similar documents to “Monoides parcialmente aditivos en la teoría de la información.”

Comportamiento asintótico de las ecuaciones de la termoelasticidad generalizada.

Alberto Falqués Serra (1982)



In this paper it is first shown that the linear evolution equations for a generalized thermoelastic solid generate a C semigroup. Next an analysis of the long time evolution behaviour yields the some results known for classical thermoelasticity: generically, the natural state is asymptotically stable.

Una introducción a la W-calculabilidad: Operaciones básicas.

Buenaventura Clares Rodríguez (1983)



Our purpose is to introduce the W-composition, W-minimalization and W-primitive recursion operations as operations between W-valued functions, where W denotes the ordered semiring ([0,1],+,≤). We prove that: 1) the set of W-calculable functions is closed under the W-composition and W-primitice recursion operations, and 2) the set of the partially W-calculable functions is closed under the W-minimalization operation.

Teoría ergódica y simetrización.

Francesc Bofill (1982)



We study the relations between simetrization by a limiting process of probabilities and functions defined on a metric compacy product space and their ergodic properties.

Aproximaciones asintóticas en espacios de Banach.

Piedad Guijarro Carranza (1985)



Let U be an open convex set in a Banach space E, F another Banach space. We consider the space H(U,F) of all F-valued holomorphic functions of bounded type in U possesing an asymptotic expansion in the origin. We study classes of asymptotic approximations such that two functions in the same class with an identical asymptotic expansion must coincide. In this paper, we characterize the functions belonging to some of these classes which are optimal approximations of a given series. ...