Displaying similar documents to “Moderation of sigma-finite Borel measures.”

Sigma-finiteness and regularity of generalized Radon measures.

J. Fernández Novoa (1990)

Collectanea Mathematica


We extend some known sigma-finiteness and regularity results for (locally finite) Radon measures to locally sigma-finite or locally moderated Radon measures of type (H), and we obtain other new ones. The main result states that the regularity and the sigma-finiteness are equivalent for alllocally moderated, diffused, Radon measures of type (H) in a T1 topological space which is either weakly metacompact or paralindelöf (resp. metalindelöf) and has a concassage of Lindelöf (resp. separable)...

Vector valued measures of bounded mean oscillation.

Oscar Blasco (1991)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


The duality between H1 and BMO, the space of functions of bounded mean oscillation (see [JN]), was first proved by C. Fefferman (see [F], [FS]) and then other proofs of it were obtained. In this paper we shall study such space in little more detail and we shall consider the H1-BMO duality for vector-valued functions in the more general setting of spaces of homogeneous type (see [CW]).

Representing and absolutely representing systems

V. Kadets, Yu. Korobeĭnik (1992)

Studia Mathematica


We introduce various classes of representing systems in linear topological spaces and investigate their connections in spaces with different topological properties. Let us cite a typical result of the paper. If H is a weakly separated sequentially separable linear topological space then there is a representing system in H which is not absolutely representing.