Displaying similar documents to “Vector valued measures of bounded mean oscillation.”

Remarks on the Istratescu measure of noncompactness.

Janusz Dronka (1993)

Collectanea Mathematica


In this paper we give estimations of Istratescu measure of noncompactness I(X) of a set X C lp(E1,...,En) in terms of measures I(Xj) (j=1,...,n) of projections Xj of X on Ej. Also a converse problem of finding a set X for which the measure I(X) satisfies the estimations under consideration is considered.

On the characterization of Hardy-Besov spaces on the dyadic group and its applications

Jun Tateoka (1994)

Studia Mathematica


C. Watari [12] obtained a simple characterization of Lipschitz classes L i p ( p ) α ( W ) ( 1 p , α > 0 ) on the dyadic group using the L p -modulus of continuity and the best approximation by Walsh polynomials. Onneweer and Weiyi [4] characterized homogeneous Besov spaces B p , q α on locally compact Vilenkin groups, but there are still some gaps to be filled up. Our purpose is to give the characterization of Besov spaces B p , q α by oscillations, atoms and others on the dyadic groups. As applications, we show a strong capacity inequality...