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Gelation in coagulation and fragmentation models.

Miguel Escobedo (2002)



We first present very elementary relations between climate and aerosols. The we introduce the homogeneous coagulation equation as a simple model to describe systems of merging particles like polymers or aerosols. We next give a recent result about gelation of solutions. We end with some related open questions.

Espacios de producto interno (II).

Palaniappan Kannappan (1995)

Mathware and Soft Computing


Among normal linear spaces, the inner product spaces (i.p.s.) are particularly interesting. Many characterizations of i.p.s. among linear spaces are known using various functional equations. Three functional equations characterizations of i.p.s. are based on the Frchet condition, the Jordan and von Neumann identity and the Ptolemaic inequality respectively. The object of this paper is to solve generalizations of these functional equations.