Displaying similar documents to “Some selected results of Professor Baltasar Rodríguez-Salinas.”

Structure of measures on topological spaces.

José L. de María, Baltasar Rodríguez Salinas (1989)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid


The Radon spaces of type (T), i.e., topological spaces for which every finite Borel measure on Omega is T-additive and T-regular are characterized. The class of these spaces is very wide and in particular it contains the Radon spaces. We extend the results of Marczewski an Sikorski to the sygma-metrizable spaces and to the subsets of the Banach spaces endowed with the weak topology. Finally, the completely additive families of measurable subsets related with the works of Hansell, Koumoullis,...

On the control measures of vector measures.

Baltasar Rodríguez-Salinas (2003)



Si Σ es una σ-álgebra y X un espacio localmente convexo se estudian las condiciones para las cuales una medida vectorial σ-aditiva γ : Σ → χ tenga una medida de control μ. Si Σ es la σ-álgebra de Borel de un espacio métrico, se obtienen condiciones necesarias y suficientes usando la τ aditividad de γ. También se dan estos resultados para las polimedidas.