Displaying similar documents to “Almost contact metric 3-submersions.”

Conformal and related changes of metric on the product of two almost contact metric manifolds.

David E. Blair, José Antonio Oubiña (1990)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


This paper studies conformal and related changes of the product metric on the product of two almost contact metric manifolds. It is shown that if one factor is Sasakian, the other is not, but that locally the second factor is of the type studied by Kenmotsu. The results are more general and given in terms of trans-Sasakian, α-Sasakian and β-Kenmotsu structures.

From Sasakian 3-structures to quaternionic geometry

Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Hiroshi Mori (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum


We construct a family of almost quaternionic Hermitian structures from an almost contact metric 3-structure and also do three kinds of quaternionic Kähler structures from a Sasakian 3-structure. In particular we have a generalization of the second main result of Boyer-Galicki-Mann [5].