Green's relations and quasi-ideals
Kenneth M. Kapp (1969)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Kenneth M. Kapp (1969)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Otto Steinfeld (1966)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Kar, S. (2005)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Anjan Kumar Bhuniya, Kanchan Jana (2014)
Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications
Here we introduce the notion of strong quasi k-ideals of a semiring in SL⁺ and characterize the semirings that are distributive lattices of t-k-simple(t-k-Archimedean) subsemirings by their strong quasi k-ideals. A quasi k-ideal Q is strong if it is an intersection of a left k-ideal and a right k-ideal. A semiring S in SL⁺ is a distributive lattice of t-k-simple semirings if and only if every strong quasi k-ideal is a completely semiprime k-ideal of S. Again S is a distributive lattice...
Dixit, V.N., Dewan, Sarita (1995)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Bruce W. Mielke (1972)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal