The conditional distribution of random errors for given observed values with application to factor analysis
Ejnar Lyttkens (1980)
Banach Center Publications
Ejnar Lyttkens (1980)
Banach Center Publications
Kryštof Eben (1994)
Mathematica Bohemica
In a multivariate normal distribution, let the inverse of the covariance matrix be a band matrix. The distribution of the sufficient statistic for the covariance matrix is derived for this case. It is a generalization of the Wishart distribution. The distribution may be used for unbiased density estimation and construction of classification rules.
Waikar, V.B. (1981)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Wiktor Oktaba (1995)
Applications of Mathematics
The following three results for the general multivariate Gauss-Markoff model with a singular covariance matrix are given or indicated. determinant ratios as products of independent chi-square distributions, moments for the determinants and the method of obtaining approximate densities of the determinants.
Konstancja Bobecka, Jacek Wesołowski (2002)
Studia Mathematica
The Lukacs theorem is one of the most brilliant results in the area of characterizations of probability distributions. First, because it gives a deep insight into the nature of independence properties of the gamma distribution; second, because it uses beautiful and non-trivial mathematics. Originally it was proved for probability distributions concentrated on (0,∞). In 1962 Olkin and Rubin extended it to matrix variate distributions. Since that time it has been believed that the fundamental...
Lubomír Kubáček (1970)
Aplikace matematiky