On optimal nodal splines and their applications.
Dagnino, C., Demichelis, V., Santi, Elisabetta (2003)
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico
Dagnino, C., Demichelis, V., Santi, Elisabetta (2003)
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico
Jiří Kobza, Dušan Zápalka (1991)
Applications of Mathematics
For quadratic spine interpolating local integrals (mean-values) on a given mesh the conditions of existence and uniqueness, construction under various boundary conditions and other properties are studied. The extremal property of such's spline allows us to present an elementary construction and an algorithm for computing needed parameters of such quadratic spline smoothing given mean-values. Examples are given illustrating the results.
Jiří Kobza (1992)
Applications of Mathematics
The extremal property of quadratic splines interpolating the first derivatives is proved. Quadratic spline smoothing the given values of the first derivative, depending on the knot weights and smoothing parameter , is then studied. The algorithm for computing appropriate parameters of such splines is given and the dependence on the smoothing parameter is mentioned.
Sablonnière, P. (2003)
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico
Brown, Richard C., Fink, A.M., Hinton, Don B. (2000)
Journal of Inequalities and Applications [electronic only]
Kumar, Arun, Govil, L.K. (1992)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences