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Ongoing Efforts to Generate “Tagged PDF” using pdfTeX

Moore, Ross


Recently PDF has been accepted as a standard for production of electronic documents, as ISO 32000-1:2008, with an acronym of PDF/UA (for “Universal Accessibility”). The second draft ISO 32000-2:2009 is to include specifications for including MathML tagging of mathematical environments and expressions. This talk presents a report on work-in-progress, aimed at: developing the primitive commands for pdfTeX needed to support the production of fully tagged PDF documents; writing appropriate...

Multidimensional term indexing for efficient processing of complex queries

Michal Krátký, Tomáš Skopal, Václav Snášel (2004)



The area of Information Retrieval deals with problems of storage and retrieval within a huge collection of text documents. In IR models, the semantics of a document is usually characterized using a set of terms. A common need to various IR models is an efficient term retrieval provided via a term index. Existing approaches of term indexing, e. g. the inverted list, support efficiently only simple queries asking for a term occurrence. In practice, we would like to exploit some more sophisticated...

Application of bearing and distance trees to the identification of landmarks on the coast

Tomasz Praczyk (2007)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


The problem of continuous position availability is one of the most important issues connected with the human activity at sea. Because the availability of satellite navigational systems can be limited in some cases, e.g. during military operations, one has to consider additional methods of acquiring information about the ship's position. In this paper one of these methods is presented, which is based on exploiting landmarks located on a coastline. A navigational radar is used to obtain...