Estimates for the norms of solutions of difference systems with several delays.
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International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
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International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
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Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
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Mathematica Bohemica
In this paper we use the fixed point method to prove asymptotic stability results of the zero solution of a generalized linear neutral difference equation with variable delays. An asymptotic stability theorem with a sufficient condition is proved, which improves and generalizes some results due to Y. N. Raffoul (2006), E. Yankson (2009), M. Islam and E. Yankson (2005).
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Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
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Publications de l'Institut Mathématique
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Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations [electronic only]
Salvador A. Rodríguez, Luc Dugard, Jean-Michel Dion, Jesús de León (2009)
This paper focuses on the delay-dependent robust stability of linear neutral delay systems. The systems under consideration are described by functional differential equations, with norm bounded time varying nonlinear uncertainties in the "state" and norm bounded time varying quasi-linear uncertainties in the delayed "state" and in the difference operator. The stability analysis is performed via the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional approach. Sufficient delay dependent conditions for robust...