Displaying similar documents to “Chain theories and simplicial abelian group spectra.”

Homology lens spaces and Dehn surgery on homology spheres

Craig Guilbault (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


A homology lens space is a closed 3-manifold with ℤ-homology groups isomorphic to those of a lens space. A useful theorem found in [Fu] states that a homology lens space M 3 may be obtained by an (n/1)-Dehn surgery on a homology 3-sphere if and only if the linking form of M 3 is equivalent to (1/n). In this note we generalize this result to cover all homology lens spaces, and in the process offer an alternative proof based on classical 3-manifold techniques.

Cohomology of some graded differential algebras

Wojciech Andrzejewski, Aleksiej Tralle (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We study cohomology algebras of graded differential algebras which are models for Hochschild homology of some classes of topological spaces (e.g. homogeneous spaces of compact Lie groups). Explicit formulae are obtained. Some applications to cyclic homology are given.

On strong uniform distribution, II. The infinite-dimensional case

Y. Lacroix (1998)

Acta Arithmetica


We construct infinite-dimensional chains that are L¹ good for almost sure convergence, which settles a question raised in this journal [N]. We give some conditions for a coprime generated chain to be bad for L² or L , using the entropy method. It follows that such a chain with positive lower density is bad for L . There also exist such bad chains with zero density.