Displaying similar documents to “Method for solving a convex integer programming problem.”

Reformulations in Mathematical Programming: Definitions and Systematics

Leo Liberti (2009)

RAIRO - Operations Research


A reformulation of a mathematical program is a formulation which shares some properties with, but is in some sense better than, the original program. Reformulations are important with respect to the choice and efficiency of the solution algorithms; furthermore, it is desirable that reformulations can be carried out automatically. Reformulation techniques are widespread in mathematical programming but interestingly they have never been studied under a unified framework. This paper attempts...

Solving convex program via Lagrangian decomposition

Matthias Knobloch (2004)



We consider general convex large-scale optimization problems in finite dimensions. Under usual assumptions concerning the structure of the constraint functions, the considered problems are suitable for decomposition approaches. Lagrangian-dual problems are formulated and solved by applying a well-known cutting-plane method of level-type. The proposed method is capable to handle infinite function values. Therefore it is no longer necessary to demand the feasible set with respect to the...