Displaying similar documents to “Multi-threshold control of the B M A P / S M / 1 / K queue with group services.”

Optimal control for a BMAP/SM/1 queue with MAP-input of disasters and two operation modes

Olga V. Semenova (2004)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle


A single-server queueing system with a batch markovian arrival process (BMAP) and MAP-input of disasters causing all customers to leave the system instantaneously is considered. The system has two operation modes, which depend on the current queue length. The embedded and arbitrary time stationary queue length distribution has been derived and the optimal control threshold strategy has been determined.

Analysis of an MAP/PH/1 queue with flexible group service

Arianna Brugno, Ciro D'Apice, Alexander Dudin, Rosanna Manzo (2017)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


A novel customer batch service discipline for a single server queue is introduced and analyzed. Service to customers is offered in batches of a certain size. If the number of customers in the system at the service completion moment is less than this size, the server does not start the next service until the number of customers in the system reaches this size or a random limitation of the idle time of the server expires, whichever occurs first. Customers arrive according to a Markovian...