Displaying similar documents to “On the adjoint of a strongly continuous semigroup.”

Some permanence results of properties of Banach spaces

Giovanni Emmanuele (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Using some known lifting theorems we present three-space property type and permanence results; some of them seem to be new, whereas other are improvements of known facts.

An approach to Schreier's space.

Jesús M. Fernández Castillo, Manuel González (1991)

Extracta Mathematicae


In 1930, J. Schreier [10] introduced the notion of admissibility in order to show that the now called weak-Banach-Saks property does not hold in every Banach space. A variation of this idea produced the Schreier's space (see [1],[2]). This is the space obtained by completion of the space of finite sequences with respect to the following norm: ||x||S = sup(A admissible)j ∈ A |xj|, ...