Displaying similar documents to “Duality without constraint qualification in nonsmooth optimization.”

Optimality conditions for weak efficiency to vector optimization problems with composed convex functions

Radu Boţ, Ioan Hodrea, Gert Wanka (2008)

Open Mathematics


We consider a convex optimization problem with a vector valued function as objective function and convex cone inequality constraints. We suppose that each entry of the objective function is the composition of some convex functions. Our aim is to provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the weakly efficient solutions of this vector problem. Moreover, a multiobjective dual treatment is given and weak and strong duality assertions are proved.

Comparison between different duals in multiobjective fractional programming

Radu Boţ, Robert Chares, Gert Wanka (2007)

Open Mathematics


The present paper is a continuation of [2] where we deal with the duality for a multiobjective fractional optimization problem. The basic idea in [2] consists in attaching an intermediate multiobjective convex optimization problem to the primal fractional problem, using an approach due to Dinkelbach ([6]), for which we construct then a dual problem expressed in terms of the conjugates of the functions involved. The weak, strong and converse duality statements for the intermediate problems...