Displaying similar documents to “On nonbornological barrelled spaces”

Some examples on quasi-barrelled spaces

Manuel Valdivia (1972)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


The three following examples are given: a bornological space containing a subspace of infinite countable codimension which is not quasi-barrelled, a quasi-barrelled 𝒟 -space containing a subspace of infinite countable codimension which is not 𝒟 -space, and bornological barrelled space which is not inductive limit of Baire space.

Unitary sequences and classes of barrelledness.

Manuel López Pellicer, Salvador Moll (2003)



It is well known that some dense subspaces of a barrelled space could be not barrelled. Here we prove that dense subspaces of l (Ω, X) are barrelled (unordered Baire-like or p?barrelled) spaces if they have ?enough? subspaces with the considered barrelledness property and if the normed space X has this barrelledness property. These dense subspaces are used in measure theory and its barrelledness is related with some sequences of unitary vectors. ...