Displaying similar documents to “A remark on runge approximation of meromorphic functions”

Meromorphic extension spaces

Le Mau Hai, Nguyen Van Khue (1992)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


The aim of the present paper is to study meromorphic extension spaces. The obtained results allow us to get the invariance of meromorphic extendibility under finite proper surjective holomorphic maps.

On the removable singularities for meromorphic mappings.

Evgeny M. Chirka (1996)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


If E is a closed subset of locally finite Hausdorff (2n-2)-measure on an n-dimensional complex manifold Ω and all the points of E are nonremovable for a meromorphic mapping of Ω E into a compact Kähler manifold, then E is a pure (n-1)-dimensional complex analytic subset of Ω.

Simple sufficient conditions for starlikeness and convexity for meromorphic functions

Pranay Goswami, Teodor Bulboacă, Rubayyi T. Alqahtani (2016)

Open Mathematics


In this paper we investigate some extensions of sufficient conditions for meromorphic multivalent functions in the open unit disk to be meromorphic multivalent starlike and convex of order α. Our results unify and extend some starlikeness and convexity conditions for meromorphic multivalent functions obtained by Xu et al. [2], and some interesting special cases are given.

Exceptional values of meromorphic functions and of their derivatives on annuli

Yuxian Chen, Zhaojun Wu (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


This paper is devoted to exceptional values of meromorphic functions and of their derivatives on annuli. Some facts on exceptional values for meromorphic functions in the complex plane which were established by Singh, Gopalakrishna and Bhoosnurmath [Math. Ann. 191 (1971), 121-142, and Ann. Polon. Math. 35 (1977/78), 99-105] will be considered on annuli.

Normal families of bicomplex meromorphic functions

Kuldeep Singh Charak, Dominic Rochon, Narinder Sharma (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We introduce the extended bicomplex plane 𝕋̅, its geometric model: the bicomplex Riemann sphere, and the bicomplex chordal metric that enables us to talk about convergence of sequences of bicomplex meromorphic functions. Hence the concept of normality of a family of bicomplex meromorphic functions on bicomplex domains emerges. Besides obtaining a normality criterion for such families, the bicomplex analog of the Montel theorem for meromorphic functions and the fundamental normality...