On the Hardy-Littlewood maximal theorem.
Yamashita, Shinji (1982)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Yamashita, Shinji (1982)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Sandrine Grellier (1993)
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
Let Ω be a C∞-domain in Cn. It is well known that a holomorphic function on Ω behaves twice as well in complex tangential directions (see [GS] and [Kr] for instance). It follows from well known results (see [H], [RS]) that some converse is true for any kind of regular functions when Ω satisfies (P) The real tangent space is generated by the Lie brackets of real and imaginary parts of complex tangent vectors ...
Patrick Ahern, Joaquim Bruna (1988)
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
In this paper we deal with several characterizations of the Hardy-Sobolev spaces in the unit ball of C, that is, spaces of holomorphic functions in the ball whose derivatives up to a certain order belong to the classical Hardy spaces. Some of our characterizations are in terms of maximal functions, area functions or Littlewood-Paley functions involving only complex-tangential derivatives. A special case of our results is a characterization of H itself involving only complex-tangential...
Soulaymane Korry (2001)
Collectanea Mathematica
Lou, Zengjian (1994)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Jaakko Hyvönen, Juhani Riihentaus (1984)
Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
Pavlović, Miroslav (2000)
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série
Marco M. Peloso, Maura Salvatori (2016)
Concrete Operators
In this paper we study spaces of holomorphic functions on the right half-plane R, that we denote by Mpω, whose growth conditions are given in terms of a translation invariant measure ω on the closed half-plane R. Such a measure has the form ω = ν ⊗ m, where m is the Lebesgue measure on R and ν is a regular Borel measure on [0, +∞). We call these spaces generalized Hardy–Bergman spaces on the half-plane R. We study in particular the case of ν purely atomic, with point masses on an arithmetic...
Lou, Zengjian (1993)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences