Displaying similar documents to “Reinhardt domains and the Gleason problem”

Trivial generators for nontrivial fibres

Linus Carlsson (2008)

Mathematica Bohemica


Pseudoconvex domains are exhausted in such a way that we keep a part of the boundary fixed in all the domains of the exhaustion. This is used to solve a problem concerning whether the generators for the ideal of either the holomorphic functions continuous up to the boundary or the bounded holomorphic functions, vanishing at a point in n where the fibre is nontrivial, has to exceed n . This is shown not to be the case.

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Николай М. Николов - Разгледани са характеризации на различни понятия за изпъкналост, като тези понятия са сравнени. We discuss different characterizations of various notions of convexity as well as we compare these notions. *2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 32F17.