Displaying similar documents to “Some remarks on conjugacy classes of bundle Gauge groups”

Product preserving gauge bundle functors on all principal bundle homomorphisms

Włodzimierz M. Mikulski (2011)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let 𝓟𝓑 be the category of principal bundles and principal bundle homomorphisms. We describe completely the product preserving gauge bundle functors (ppgb-functors) on 𝓟𝓑 and their natural transformations in terms of the so-called admissible triples and their morphisms. Then we deduce that any ppgb-functor on 𝓟𝓑 admits a prolongation of principal connections to general ones. We also prove a "reduction" theorem for prolongations of principal connections into principal ones by means...

Double vector bundles and duality

Katarzyna Konieczna, Pawel Urbański (1999)

Archivum Mathematicum


The notions of the dual double vector bundle and the dual double vector bundle morphism are defined. Theorems on canonical isomorphisms are formulated and proved. Several examples are given.